Wednesday, January 2, 2008

First Post: Dhivvers 101

Well this is my first post, on my first blog. Exciting. Exciting.
I'm going to start with some stupid quiz. A good intro on the story of Dhiv 101.


1.Where did you take your profile pic?
In the shower for an art project

2.What exactly are you wearing right now?
underwear. I'm dying my hair. ^__^

3.What is your current problem?
the goddamn hair dye smells bloody awful

4. What makes you most happy?
Being better at a video game than my boyfriend.

5.What's the name of the song that you're listening to?
Ummm... Im watching south park. So, not listening to music really. lol

7.Do you ever watch MTV?
No. I rent videos of the good shows, ie Viva La Bam. ;)

8.What's something that really annoys you?
When my boyfriend shoves and kicks me off of my bed

[Chapter 1]

1.Middle name:
Jasmine Anne

dhivvers, dhiv, pocket improver, pocket rocket, adhd, add, ocd

3.Current place:
bathroom floor

4.Eye color:

[Chapter 2]

1.Do you live with your parents?

2.Do you get along with your parent(s)?
when they are not together, or not with me

3.Are your parents married/separated/divorced
married.... but separated.... but living together...they live together for the sake of their religion but hate eachother

4.Do you have any siblings?

[Chapter 3: Favorite]

1. Ice Cream:
cookie dough...chocolate...chocolate cookie dough!

2. Season:
rainy springtime! or winter!!! I love playing in the snow, or running around in the various puddles!

[Chapter 4: Do You]

1. Write on your hand:
yeah! -.- I'm terrible for that!

3. Believe in love?:

4. Sleep on a certain side of the bed?
Depends on if I get kicked off the bed or not.

5. Have any bad habits?
No none! I am perfect! I do not have any! >> Except, I bite my nails!!! ><

[Chapter 5: Have You]

1.Broken a bone: yeah

2.Sprained stuff: probably

3.Had physical therapy?: FOR A FINGER!!! im not even joking!

4.Gotten stitches: yes -.-

5.Taken painkillers? yes! makes me dead

6.Gone SCUBA diving or snorkeling: NO! but i want to!

7. Been stung by a bee? nope never! >> and i dont want to! Cuz im probably allergic knowing me -.-

8.Thrown up at the dentist:
ew no... who throws up at the dentist?

9.Ever sworn in front of your parents?

10.Had detention:
YES! one time in elementry school i did!

11.Been sent to the principal's office.
yes i have.. :P tons of times..

12. Been suspended:
in elementary school, but it wasn't completely my fault.

[Chaper 6: Who/What was the last]

1.Movie(s) you watched?
about a boy

2.Person to text you:

3.Person you called?
my mom

4.Person you hugged:
The boyfriend.

5. last person you tackled:
wait a sec.......... MARTIN!

6.Thing you touched:
LMFAO! that could be soooo wrong! :P and probably martins face or hand!

7.Thing you ate:

8. Thing you drank:

9. Time you cried:
this weekend

10. wished on a star: