Sunday, January 6, 2008

Guitar Hero

Guitar Hero
I had my first experience playing guitar hero today! And absolutely LOVED it. It reminds me A LOT of DDR, except for the usage of hands, and rather than the dancing feet. Obviously I started on easy mode, and obviously it did pwn the crap out of me, but it was so much fun. The legends of rock edition did not have Jimi Hendrix either apparently or the Beatles, but Kiss definitely fell into the marketing ploy and let their music be used.

Ok, but it is a good game. It's very good if you like games that do not use a lot of intellectual capacity but rather a waste of good time, ie fps games, rather than strategy ones. None the less, it does involve coordination of both your left and right hand. One hand for "strumming" ie smashing a protuberant plastic piece and another hand to press 5 various buttons, each illustrating the 5 strings on a guitar. Reca
ll that each of these buttons are colour differently for the hero's ease. Creative eh? You can also unleash your star power but raising the neck/bridge towards your head. Ie, getting into a rock star solo stance where the crowd will cheer and call out how cool you are. It's an awful nuisance getting your mind co-ordinated to both strum and press the buttons ALL at the SAME time though, especially after spending most of your life playing stepmania or DDR. = P Woe is me eh? If you have a hard time finding beat, then it will be harder, but as any nerd knows, it can be taught.

Anyways, I personally think it is well worth the $100. :)

Be warned though, after playing guitar hero you might be tempted to play a real guitar the same way, but sadly it will not work. :(

(click on the image for a full view, if you'd like it.)
Stolen from
And is taken by Sam Javanrouh, who is an amazing Toronto photographer.

"I used to invite Jimi Hendrix over to play Guitar Hero all the time, but then he started lighting the guitar controller on fire when he lost. He wasn't invited over after that."
Click on the image to buy the t-shirt.